The Vintner's Company The Vintners' Company, with its first Charter in 1363, is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London.Wool and wine were the two prominent trades of the Middle Ages. By the early 13th century the 'Mistery of Vintners' - associated with the church of St Martin in the Vintry and, to a lesser extent, St James Garlickhythe - was an organised and powerful body, dominating the wine trade in London and the rest of the country.With its trade, social, charitable and educational interests, the Company continues to play an important role in the 21st century. The tradition of charitable giving goes back to the earliest days of the Company, which has always prided itself on the willingness of members to help those less fortunate than themselves. AtaLoss is proud and grateful that The Vintner's Company has chosen to support our work with bereaved people. WEBSITE:The Vintner's Company Manage Cookie Preferences