We Help Organisations List your service If you provide bereavement support, list your service on our website Our aim is to ensure that people from all over the UK can find the information they need to access bereavement support wherever they live, whatever their age or whatever their loss in one place. Please help us to achieve this by; Letting us know about any regular bereavement support you or your organisation offers, however small, to give people the choice. Including your support service on our website directory to ensure people find you. To add your support service to our website, please click the link below and complete the form that opens. Please complete one form for each service you provide. Support service form Why its important you tell us about your service Until AtaLoss.org was established, there was no one place for people to find out about the support that is available. We are still only part way there. But that's where you come in. AtaLoss.org is committed to working in partnership with other organisations and individuals who work with bereaved people in all sectors, statutory, commercial and voluntary. Our vision is to enable any bereaved person to find the support they need, when they need it. To do this we need to work together so we need your help. With the details you provide we will help bereaved people find you which will enable them to choose the most appropriate support, wherever they live. If you are interested in working with us in any way, please get in touch. Contact us Thank you! Manage Cookie Preferences