Most people expect to be very upset or distressed when someone close to them has died. What takes many people by surprise is how strong the emotions can be, how they can change very quickly, and how long they last. People around you may seem to think you should be ‘back to normal’ after a few weeks or months. You might appear to be your usual self to other people, but you know that on the inside, you’re not even sure what normal is anymore.
Unfortunately, at a time when you are feeling numb, grief-stricken, lost, empty and many more emotions, when someone dies there is immediately a lot to do. We call this 'sadmin' . We help you through this here.
Our Associate, the National Bereavement Service have produced a very helpful booklet called 'What to do when someone dies' - a helpful checklist for any bereaved person feeling overwhelmed by all the small but important things that need to be done. Download the leaflet HERE
There is other information to help you deal with things when you are ready in this section of the website. This includes a very important section on how to look after yourself at one of the hardest times in your life. You can visit this section HERE
We'll be adding to this section all the time so do visit from time to time.
How traumatic bereavement affects children and young people. Read more
How to protect your family from identity fraud following the death of a loved one Read more
Why keeping to a routine is the key to keeping your weight steady when you are grieving Read more
AtaLoss Ambassador Sabine Horner promotes the practice of deep breathing and a great little book to help. Read more
Thoughtful advice and reflections Read more
How to take care of you when you are bereaved. READ MORE HERE. Read more
Counselling is helpful for people struggling with a range of issues, including bereavement. Knowing how to choose a counsellor to suit your needs is important. Read more
Did you know you can find support wherever you live on Read more
Befrienders are there to provide a listening ear and a sensitive response and befriending organisations are there to help people connect, at any phase of life. FIND OUT MORE HERE. Read more