*Samaritans - Urgent Help NATIONAL HELPLINE: Emotional support for anyone struggling to cope with anything, including bereavement Expand Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline. TELEPHONE They offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. We won't judge your or tell you what to do, we'll listen to you. CALL THE SAMARITANS 24/7 ON 116123 EMAIL Writing an email can be a calm and safe way to work through what's on your mind. Especially if it feels too upsetting to talk about on the phone. Samaritans volunteers answer each email that comes through to [email protected] You don't have to be suicidal to get in touch – nearly half of the emails they receive are from people who are having a tough time, but not suicidal. Sometimes people worry they can't write well – no matter your spelling, punctuation or how you express yourself, the Samaritans are here. Average response time is 24 hours so call them if your need is urgent. WEBSITE LINK
Amparo - Cheshire & Merseyside CHESHIRE & MERSEYSIDE: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including:- One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo - Coventry and Warwickshire COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including: - One-to-one individual support - Help with any media enquiries - Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner - Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo - Kent and Medway KENT & MEDWAY: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including:- One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help. WEBSITE LINK Contact: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo - Lancashire LANCASHIRE: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including:- One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help. WEBSITE LINK Contact: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo - North Central London Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide in the boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Haringey, Islington and Enfield. Expand For anyone living in or affected by a suicide in the boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Haringey, Islington and Enfield, Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including: - One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation Putting you in touch with local services that can help. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo - South Yorkshire SOUTH YORKSHIRE: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including: - One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [220224]
Amparo Lincolnshire LINCOLNSHIRE: Amparo provides immediate, free emotional and practical support for anyone who has been affected by suicide. Expand Amparo can offer you support following a suicide in a range of ways, including: - One-to-one individual support - Help with any media enquiries - Practical support when dealing with the Police or Coroner - Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255 [190423]
Amparo: support following suicide Providing support and practical advice for anyone affected by a death by suicide in throughout England Expand Amparo offers immediate support following a suspected suicide and can provides practical and emotional support, including: - One-to-one individual support- Help with any media enquiries- Practical support liaising with the Police or Coroner- Help overcoming feelings of isolation - Putting you in touch with local services that can help The service is not just for Next of Kin however, anyone affected by suicide and living in the following areas can access Amparo: Knowsley; St Helens; Sefton; Wirral; Cheshire East; Cheshire West & Chester; Warrington; Halton; Barnsley; Rotherham; Doncaster; Sheffield; East Lancashire and Blackpool & the Fylde Coast, Kent & Medway, Coventry & Warwickshire, Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight & Portsmouth, Thames Valley and Lincolnshire. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0330 088 9255
Beautiful Inside and Out SCOTLAND: Beautiful Inside & Out ( SCIO)- a Scottish registered charity, supporting bereaved parents and siblings of suicide victims. Expand Beautiful Inside & Out ( SCIO) is a Scottish registered charity, supporting bereaved parents and siblings of suicide victims; promoting feelings of self-worth. Offering a Facebook support group, make friends and connect with others who have been bereaved by suicide. WEBSITE LINK https://www.facebook.com/beautifulinsideandoutscio/ CONTACT: Email: [email protected] [200224]
Behind the Smile WORCESTER: Bereaved By Suicide support groups in the Worcester area. Expand If you are bereaved by suicide 'Behind the Smile' wants to be there to support you in your grief and offer practical, knowledgeable support to help you navigate through the formal and day-to-day issues that need to be addressed. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] St Andrew's Methodist Church,Pump Street,Worcester,WR1 2QT
Bereaved by Suicide service in Suffolk and North East Essex SUFFOLK & NE ESSEX: Suicide bereavement support Expand The Bereaved by Suicide Service offers support to anyone who has been bereaved or affected by suicide. Regardless of when the suicide took place, they can help to support you. The service is free, confidential and tailored to your needs. The service is free and confidential. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01473 322683 [180624]
Bereaved By Suicide Services - Worcestershire WORCESTERSHIRE: Suicide Bereavement Support Services Expand The Bereaved by Suicide Service offers support to anyone who has been bereaved or affected by suicide regardless of when the death occurred. The service is free, confidential and tailored to your needs. The Bereaved by Suicide Service operates across the county. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01905 947933 [120423]
Bereaved by Suicide services in Herefordshire HEREFORDSHIRE: Suicide Bereavement Support Services Expand The Bereaved by Suicide Service offers support to anyone who has been bereaved or affected by suicide, regardless of when the suicide took place. The service is free, confidential and tailored to your needs. They provide support to adults as well as children from the age of 4 upwards. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01432 800867 [300523]
Beside Project- Second Step BRISTOL, BATH, NORTH AND NE SOMERSET, S.GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Offering offer emotional and practical support to people aged 16 who recently lost a loved one to suicide. Expand The Beside Project is here to support you when you recently may have lost a loved one to suicide. They offer emotional and practical support to people aged 16, whether you are a family member, next of kin or loved one. They work across Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset. They are sadly unable to offer support to those who have experienced a historical bereavement by suicide. What you can expect: Contact within 72 hours of receiving your referral Emotional and practical support tailored to your needs Working closely with other agencies, including your GP, to ensure you receive the support, advice and guidance that you need Supporting you with funeral arrangements Support in the time before, during and after the inquest Face to face and telephone support Working closely with other agencies who offer specialist support when children are involved. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 9096630 [130123]
CALM NATIONAL: Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and the cause of 18 deaths every day. Expand Frontline servicesAnyone can hit crisis point. CALM run a free and confidential helpline and webchat – 7 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. They support those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP). CommunitiesTogether they help parents, siblings, partners, friends and colleagues. CALM spread their message and facilitate, universities, pubs, clubs and prisons across the country – so that people feel empowered to share their experiences and get the help they need before they reach the point of crisis. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: HELPLINES 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year NATIONWIDE 0800 58 58 58 LONDON 0808 802 58 58
Change Mental Health (Suicide Bereavement Support) HIGHLANDS: Support for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide in Highlands and Argyll & Bute. Expand The Suicide Bereavement Support Service offers free and confidential one-to-one support for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide in Highland and Argyll & Bute. It’s open to people who live in the area, and also to people whose loved one died in the area. Support can be delivered over the phone, face to face, or by video call, and is available for as long as it is needed. The specially trained team can offer a safe and empathetic space to talk and be heard. They will help you navigate the many and complex emotions felt after a suicide. The initial shock can be devastating and overwhelming but remember, you are not alone. The team can support you in the days or weeks immediately following a suicide on in the months, or even years, after your loss. They can also help with practical things like talking to GPs, the police or the procurator fiscal’s office. They can even help you to organise a funeral. The impact of suicide reaches far and wide, affecting more than just immediate family. You can also access the service if you are a friend, colleague or neighbour. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 08004714768 [260224]
CHUMS - Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Support BEDFORDSHIRE: Suicide Bereavement Support service Expand Families will be supported by an experienced practitioner through the initial weeks following a suicide when everything feels so difficult and confusing. This support is not therapeutic but a ‘holding’ hand at a time when things feel really tough. The practitioner may help with practical issues such as talking to school staff or to clubs that the person who has died belonged to or offer support with regards to the inquest. They refer individuals into their therapeutic services at a time that feels right for the individual. WEBSITE LINK Contact Email: [email protected] For more information about this service please contact Caroline Holley - Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service, on 01525 863924
Counselling Partnership - East Sussex BRIGHTON & HOVE Service supporting individuals bereaved by suicide. Expand Offering support to those Bereaved by Suicide, in partnership with Cruse - who are covering West Sussex and Rethink who are looking after those bereaved in Brighton & Hove. In East Sussex SCDA are offering 6 sessions of outreach support, which can be counselling and other support and signposting for example if the bereaved person needs help with housing or finance advice as a result of the loss. They will also support individuals through the inquest. Clients are offered a one month follow up after the 6 sessions and are welcome to come back for further support at any point. WEBSITE LINK Contact: Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA) Telephone: 01273 519108 Email: [email protected] Address: Denton Island Community Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA
Every Life Matters CUMBRIA: Offering practical and emotional support to those bereaved by suicide in Cumbria. Expand Every Life Matters offers practical and emotional support for anyone living in Cumbria who has been impacted by a death by suicide. Offer emotional support and a listening ear, a space where you can talk openly and confidentially about how you are feeling. Help you to understand some of the responses you might be having to bereavement Develop coping techniques to manage some of the impacts of grief. Inform you about other organisations that might support you and your family – now and in the future. Connect you with others who have lost a loved one to suicide. Advise you about talking to your children or telling others about the death. Provide information & support around the Coroner’s Inquest and other Investigations. Help you manage any media interest and coverage about the death. Support you managing practical issues around money, housing and employment. Support you with arrangements around the funeral. Help you identify and access other support, including for your mental health. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07588 016 166
Facing the Future NATIONAL: A online closed support groups for those bereaved by suicide Expand Facing the Future was developed by Samaritans and Cruse Bereavement Support in 2011. The service provides closed groups aiming to lessen the isolation felt by those bereaved by suicide, with emphasis placed on the participants supporting each other (ie, peer-to-peer). These groups, each with up to ten participants, are presently run exclusively on Zoom and comprise six weekly 90-minute sessions (at the same time and day each week) facilitated by two trained volunteers. The groups are free of charge and are available to anyone over 18 who has lost someone to suicide, is ready to talk about their feelings and experiences, and to listen to and support others. Since the groups take place online, participants can join from anywhere in the UK and Ireland. Please refer to the Facing the Future website (www.facingthefuturegroups.org) for full details and for an online application form. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] [211123]
FDAMH Bereaved by Suicide Group FALKIRK: Support for those bereaved by suicide in the Falkirk area. Expand Every day around two people in Scotland die by suicide. For those left behind, family, friends and colleagues, there are many unanswered questions. 'Bereaved by Suicide' group aims to help those affected by this devastating event. Groups are facilitated by experienced professionals and volunteers and are available to people aged 16 and over living in the Falkirk and District area. The service is free of charge.The group offers a safe environment to explore, with others, the whirlpool of emotions following suicide. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01324 671600 [171123]
Gambling With Lives NATIONAL: Help and support for people bereaved by suicide as a result of a gambling addiction. Expand Gambling with Lives' offer support to families and individuals affected by a gambling related suicide. They provide practical and emotional support, advocacy, access to specialist therapeutic support, as well as holding events to bring those affected together. They also work to raise awareness of the dangerous effects of gambling on mental health and suicide risk, campaigning for changes in laws, regulation, education, and treatment to stop gambling related suicide in the future. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected]
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service Help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester who has been bereaved or affected by a death including suicide. Expand Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester that has been bereaved or affected by a death including suicide. No one needs to feel alone as they deal with their grief. The website also features a range local and national support services for those bereaved. WEBSITE LINK Contact: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0161 983 0902 - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays)