The Loss Foundation is the only UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer, whether that be spouses, family members, friends or colleagues. Also being offered is specialist support for anyone who has lost someone to Covid-19.
They provide a variety of support events to help people at any point during their loss, and create the opportunity for them to meet others who have experienced something similar. They also educate and empower others to support those who are grieving via our workshops and training.
The Loss Foundation provides regular free online support groups, psychoeducational meetings around aspects of grief and occasionally online therapy groups. 
They also hold a number of free Walk and Talk events across the UK where people who have experienced a cancer or covid bereavement can meet with one another in an informal manner.  Also in addition they run grief retreats and other events and provide an array of information on our website to help people learn more about grief and how to look after themselves in the face of loss.
The Connect Project has been designed to connect individuals to someone who 'gets it' and with whom they can talk on the phone.  You can be based anywhere in the UK to benefit. They use participant information (register on-line) to match you one-to-one with someone with a similar loss, who we think will be able to understand and meaningfully empathise with what you are going through, creating a space for mutual support. Participation is free and voluntary. The Loss Foundation provides guidance for getting the conversation started, and check-in with them to see how they are doing. Note: contact between participants is not supervised, and is suited to people who are able to be involved in mutual peer support.Watch a YouTube video about the project to understand how it works.



Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0300 200 4112
