Suicide Crisis Provide face to face support. The crisis services offer intensive support if someone is at high risk of suicide, and can continue to support them over the longer term on a less intensive basis if required. If you live outside Gloucestershire, you can:- Phone 111 (the new NHS number) 24 hours a day. If you, or someone you know, is at immediate risk of suicide, call 999. Trauma One to one support for people who have experienced trauma. This takes place in central Cheltenham. They also run a trauma group. The trauma group is led by a psychological therapist and is supported by a psychologist. Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) Services As well as offering one to one support for people who experience PTSD, and through group support. The PTSD group provides an opportunity to learn more about the condition, from professionals, and also gives a chance to meet other people who experience PTSD. Group members say that learning more about PTSD is helping them to understand a condition that can be bewildering and frightening at times. Meeting other people with PTSD is extremely important to them, too, and they are finding this very beneficial. The group is facilitated by an NHS psychological therapist. WEBSITE LINK CONTACT: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07975 974455 Manage Cookie Preferences