Samaritans’ Step by Step service is here to support organisations working with young people so that they can respond effectively following the suspected or attempted suicide of someone from within their community; taking practical steps to reduce the risk of further deaths in the area.

Samaritans has offered the Step by Step service across the UK since 2010 and have recently expanded to support schools, Youthreach centres, clubs and communities in the Republic of Ireland.

The Step by Step team aims to:

  • Provide information and support to help the school community come to terms with what has happened and prevent stigma and isolation in the school community;
  • Support school communities to reduce the risk of further suicide;
  • Reach out to high risk people and communities to reduce the risk of further suicide

The service is run by a team of trained volunteers, called Postvention Advisors, who can offer practical support, guidance and information on addressing the impact of a suspected or attempted suicide on the school community. The team is experienced in working proactively with schools and local authorities to prevent further suicides. The specialist knowledge and skills of the volunteers is based on research and best practice developed through Samaritans’ experience, learning from the communities we have supported.


Telephone: 0808 168 2528