'Singing for Wellbeing' is a singing group for people affected and bereaved by suicide – this could be a family member, a partner or a friend.

There is no time limit to the bereavement and the loss does not have to have been recent. It’s a safe and supportive environment with opportunity to meet others who have shared a similar loss, benefit from peer support, and participate in an enjoyable activity which can improve your wellbeing. And you don’t have to be able to sing to join. The singing is led by Gail Hampshire, an experienced and enthusiastic singing leader, who is passionate about singing for health and wellbeing. Gail originally trained as a physiotherapist and is experienced at working with both individuals and groups, encouraging people to achieve their best.

When? The first Thursday of every month 10.00 am – 12 noon.



Telephone: 01208 892 855
