Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care offer a wide range of bereavement support, from group work, listening support through to bereavement counselling with quailed counsellors. Please contact our Co-ordination Centre on 01923 606030 for more information and to request a self-referral form.  For those who need support immediately after losing a loved one, the Hospice have a team of volunteers who offer telephone support in the days and weeks following a bereavement. 

There are also a number of informal support groups available both at the Hospice and in the community.  These include drop-in bereavement groups, group therapy and our Compassionate Cafes which are a chance to meet others in the community. Please contact Co-ordination Centre on 01923 606030 for details about which groups/cafes are currently running and to book a place (not always necessary).

Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care also have a team of Compassionate Neighbours who provide social and emotional support to people towards the end of life due to age or illness and also to people who are bereaved. 

Compassionate Neighbours can support people by:

Visiting regularly

Offering friendship, emotional support and a listening ear

Helping them to do the things they like doing

Helping them stay connected to the community as well as family and friends

If you, or someone you know, would like to be connected with a Compassionate Neighbour, please get in touch with the Compassionate Communities team to see if there are any Compassionate Neighbours in your area.



Telephone: : 01923 330 330
