Helplines and useful contacts FRONTLINE for Key Workers, Emergency Services, Care workers, Health workers Partnership between Shout, Mind, Hospice UK and The Royal Foundation to provide 'Frontline' which offers round-the-clock one-to-one support, by call or text, from trained volunteers, plus resources, tips and ideas to look after your mental health. Call 116 123 from elsewhere in the UK to talk. Or visit the website for full range of services. Samaritans helpline: Phone 116123. Available any time of the day or night. Welsh speakers are also available. Childline on 0800 11 11 for 24-hour confidential support to children and young people up to the 19th birthday. CALM on 0800 58 58 58 (5pm-midnight) support men anywhere in the UK. Webchat service also available. Man to Man is a new peer support service set up to help bereaved men between 18 and 35. PAPYRUS on 0800 068 4141 (Weekdays from 10am-10pm, Weekends from 2pm-10pm and Bank Holidays from 2pm-5pm) for confidential advice and support. Young Minds on 85258 for 24/7 crisis support. Text YM to 85258. (Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus). Please do search on this website for further support in your area from the many hundreds we have listed. Manage Cookie Preferences