Compassionate Communities Coventry and Warwickshire have 'Bereavement Points' in Coventry, Rugby and Nuneaton. 

Bereavement Point groups are sessions offering a space to connect with other people in a bereavement situation. Any adult is welcome to attend, regardless of where they are in their grief experience, or when the bereavement occurred. This group is run by experienced staff and trained volunteers.

The are drop-in groups offer a space to talk openly with experienced facilitators and others living with grief. They also provide a listening and a befriending service for individuals who need 1:1 bereavement support.

Bereavement Support meetings for face-to-face support are held in St Andrew’s Church in Rugby on Tuesdays at 14.00-15.30. No booking required, simply turn up.



Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 07342 086276