Please Read:

Grief is one of the triggers to mental ill health and can be confused with having a mental health ‘problem’ - it is natural to go through a range of physical and emotional processes as we come to terms with our loss. With timely bereavement support to help you process your loss and move forward with your life, most people can avoid mental ill health. There are many bereavement services listed on this website that could help you. If you are seeking mental health support rather than bereavement support, please mention to the provider that you have been bereaved - however long ago this happened - as it will help them decide how best to support you. 

Scarborough Survivors are a service-user led charity.  Their members, with experience of mental health problems themselves, either personally or as a carer, close relative or friend, have a direct say in how it is managed to ensure they best meet the needs of those accessing the service. Their Resource Centre is open 7 days a week from 11.30am to 4.30pm and Crisis Cafe is open 7 nights a week from 7.30pm – 1am. Anyone aged 16 and over is welcome to call in for social contact, activities and mental health support.



Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01723500222

Scarborough Survivors Mental Health Resource Centre

9 Alma Square, Scarborough,  YO11 1JR